Cluster 103655

Organism Name Gene ID Product Name Scaffold Start Coordinate End Coordinate Length (aa) Pfams Tox/Anti-Tox Source
Bacillus cereus RCH BC2 Abyss contigs Sep 10 2503675104
A nuclease family of the HNH/ENDO VII superfamily with conserved AHH bcer1769_4238A_22590_55 433 993 187 pfam14412 tox PFAM
Bacillus sp OK061 2615990166
A nuclease family of the HNH/ENDO VII superfamily with conserved AHH Ga0066719_102 372599 373159 187 pfam14412 tox PFAM
Bacillus cereus FSL K6 0040 2729045100
A nuclease family of the HNH/ENDO VII superfamily with conserved AHH Ga0127159_1141 2076 2636 187 pfam14412 tox PFAM