Cluster 142613

Organism Name Gene ID Product Name Scaffold Start Coordinate End Coordinate Length (aa) Pfams Tox/Anti-Tox Source
Marinobacter manganoxydans MnI7 9 2617200068
tRNA(fMet)-specific endonuclease VapC Ga0073108_1360 1969 2373 135 pfam01850 tox TADB
Marinobacter salsuginis SD 14B 2514538062
ParD-like antitoxin of type II toxin-antitoxin system NZ_AGTR01000014 59703 60116 138 pfam11903 anti-tox PFAM
Marinobacter sp ES 048 2516835864
ParD-like antitoxin of type II toxin-antitoxin system Msal_M_salsu-all-good_c139.38 28517 28930 138 pfam11903 anti-tox PFAM
Marinobacter sp ES 042 2609933324
ParD-like antitoxin of type II toxin-antitoxin system Ga0070024_12 803210 803623 138 pfam11903 anti-tox PFAM
Isolated Sinkhole 2014 Bin 1 redo Ga0073108 2609945439
ParD-like antitoxin of type II toxin-antitoxin system Ga0070022_11 1818024 1818437 138 pfam11903 anti-tox PFAM
Marinobacter sp LV10R510 11A 2617952249
ParD-like antitoxin of type II toxin-antitoxin system Ga0070626_11 1814008 1814421 138 pfam11903 anti-tox PFAM
Marinobacter segnicrescens CGMCC 1 6489 2618077430
ParD-like antitoxin of type II toxin-antitoxin system Ga0070163_117 42023 42436 138 pfam11903 anti-tox PFAM
Marinobacter sp DSM 26671 2620085769
ParD-like antitoxin of type II toxin-antitoxin system Ga0070017_107 155914 156327 138 pfam11903 anti-tox PFAM
Marinobacter pelagius CGMCC 1 6775 2620325152
ParD-like antitoxin of type II toxin-antitoxin system Ga0070169_106 148438 148851 138 pfam11903 anti-tox PFAM
Marinobacter sp CP1 2641792471
ParD-like antitoxin of type II toxin-antitoxin system Ga0098240_11 1659265 1659678 138 pfam11903 anti-tox PFAM
Marinobacter subterrani JG233 2651128327
ParD-like antitoxin of type II toxin-antitoxin system Ga0100709_11 1650788 1651201 138 pfam11903 anti-tox PFAM
Marinobacter sp REDSEA S15 B16 Ga0114055 2654143197
ParD-like antitoxin of type II toxin-antitoxin system Ga0114055_1091 1445 1858 138 pfam11903 anti-tox PFAM
Marinobacter sp REDSEA S21 B2N3 Ga0114056 2654147476
ParD-like antitoxin of type II toxin-antitoxin system Ga0114056_1086 2335 2748 138 pfam11903 anti-tox PFAM
Marinobacter sp REDSEA S27 B10 Ga0114057 2654152950
ParD-like antitoxin of type II toxin-antitoxin system Ga0114057_1323 156 569 138 pfam11903 anti-tox PFAM
Marinobacter daqiaonensis CGMCC 1 9167 2667934425
ParD-like antitoxin of type II toxin-antitoxin system Ga0079877_11 354709 355122 138 pfam11903 anti-tox PFAM
Marinobacter antarcticus CGMCC 1 10835 2667969349
ParD-like antitoxin of type II toxin-antitoxin system Ga0079884_104 171751 172164 138 pfam11903 anti-tox PFAM
Marinobacter sp YWL01 2744653555
ParD-like antitoxin of type II ParDE toxin-antitoxin system Ga0132806_1006 205715 206128 138 pfam11903 anti-tox PFAM