Cluster 184759

Organism Name Gene ID Product Name Scaffold Start Coordinate End Coordinate Length (aa) Pfams Tox/Anti-Tox Source
Desulfosarcina sp BuS5 2659469495
mRNA-degrading endonuclease RelE - toxin component of the RelBE toxin-antitoxin system Ga0112624_140 1212 1505 98 pfam06296 tox Uniprot
Desulfotignum phosphitoxidans FiPS 3 DSM 13687 2513990235
BrnA antitoxin of type II toxin-antitoxin system A39WDRAFT_scaffold_4.5 52661 52915 85 pfam14384 anti-tox PFAM
Desulfotignum balticum DSM 7044 2515197344
BrnA antitoxin of type II toxin-antitoxin system FiPS3_scaffold_49_len_27030_splicings_1.50 23622 23876 85 pfam14384 anti-tox PFAM
Vibrio cholerae O1 3569 08 2526265245
BrnA antitoxin of type II toxin-antitoxin system K365DRAFT_scaffold00001.1 4153829 4154083 85 pfam14384 anti-tox PFAM