Cluster 19659

Organism Name Gene ID Product Name Scaffold Start Coordinate End Coordinate Length (aa) Pfams Tox/Anti-Tox Source
Bacillus amyloliquefaciens XH7 2511913964
Predicted ribonuclease - toxin component of the YeeF-YezG toxin-antitoxin module CP002927 3493331 3495232 634 pfam04740, pfam14449, pfam15637 tox PFAM
Bacillus amyloliquefaciens XH7 2514395538
Predicted ribonuclease - toxin component of the YeeF-YezG toxin-antitoxin module NZ_AJST01000001 3260713 3262752 680 pfam04740, pfam14449, pfam14414 tox PFAM
Bacillus amyloliquefaciens XH7 2520079402
Predicted ribonuclease - toxin component of the YeeF-YezG toxin-antitoxin module CP003838 3493432 3495438 669 pfam04740, pfam14449, pfam14412 tox PFAM
Bacillus sp 5B6 2545840535
Predicted ribonuclease - toxin component of the YeeF-YezG toxin-antitoxin module N439DRAFT_scaffold00001.1 79129 81105 659 pfam04740, pfam14449, pfam14412 tox PFAM
Bacillus sp 5B6 2547209205
Predicted ribonuclease - toxin component of the YeeF-YezG toxin-antitoxin module BGTDRAFT_AEHM01000061_1.61 26035 27921 629 pfam04740, pfam14449 tox Uniprot
Bacillus sp 5B6 2548833579
Predicted ribonuclease - toxin component of the YeeF-YezG toxin-antitoxin module N442DRAFT_scaffold00001.1 504072 506048 659 pfam04740, pfam14449, pfam14412 tox PFAM
Bacillus amyloliquefaciens plantarum AS43 3 2567291469
Predicted ribonuclease - toxin component of the YeeF-YezG toxin-antitoxin module J436DRAFT_APMX01000272_1.272 9869 11845 659 pfam04740, pfam14449, pfam14412 tox PFAM
Bacillus amyloliquefaciens plantarum AS43 3 2570683267
Predicted ribonuclease - toxin component of the YeeF-YezG toxin-antitoxin module V753DRAFT_AYTJ01000005_1.5 9577 11616 680 pfam04740, pfam14449, pfam14414 tox PFAM
Bacillus amyloliquefaciens plantarum AS43 3 2575873857
Predicted ribonuclease - toxin component of the YeeF-YezG toxin-antitoxin module J435DRAFT_APMW01000054_1.54 17855 19831 659 pfam04740, pfam14449, pfam14412 tox PFAM
Bacillus sp GL120224 02 2628602339
Predicted ribonuclease - toxin component of the YeeF-YezG toxin-antitoxin module Ga0069498_11 3494144 3496045 634 pfam04740, pfam14449, pfam15637 tox PFAM
Bacillus sp GL120224 02 2633300050
Predicted ribonuclease - toxin component of the YeeF-YezG toxin-antitoxin module Ga0077168_121 34393 36360 656 pfam04740, pfam14449, pfam15604 tox Uniprot
Bacillus sp GL120224 02 2642286413
Predicted ribonuclease - toxin component of the YeeF-YezG toxin-antitoxin module Ga0077936_11 3464055 3466031 659 pfam04740, pfam14449, pfam14412 tox PFAM
Bacillus subtilis gtP20b 2648738289
Predicted ribonuclease - toxin component of the YeeF-YezG toxin-antitoxin module Ga0081695_11 3545610 3547577 656 pfam04740, pfam14449, pfam15604 tox Uniprot
Bacillus subtilis gtP20b 2650960162
Predicted ribonuclease - toxin component of the YeeF-YezG toxin-antitoxin module Ga0081680_11 3461099 3463075 659 pfam04740, pfam14449, pfam14412 tox PFAM
Bacillus sp CC120222 01 2692383211
Predicted ribonuclease - toxin component of the YeeF-YezG toxin-antitoxin module Ga0112026_118 10108 12084 659 pfam04740, pfam14449, pfam14412 tox PFAM
Bacillus sp CC120222 01 2709108310
Predicted ribonuclease - toxin component of the YeeF-YezG toxin-antitoxin module Ga0136737_101 498667 500631 655 pfam04740, pfam14449 tox PFAM
Bacillus sp CC120222 01 2717053577
Predicted ribonuclease - toxin component of the YeeF-YezG toxin-antitoxin module Ga0126134_103 346874 348775 634 pfam04740, pfam14449, pfam15637 tox PFAM
Bacillus subtilis subtilis MP11 2717063554
Predicted ribonuclease - toxin component of the YeeF-YezG toxin-antitoxin module Ga0127240_114 470200 472206 669 pfam04740, pfam14449, pfam14412 tox PFAM