Cluster 79879

Organism Name Gene ID Product Name Scaffold Start Coordinate End Coordinate Length (aa) Pfams Tox/Anti-Tox Source
Vibrio crassostreae 9ZC77 2551519637
A nuclease family of the HNH/ENDO VII superfamily with conserved AHH A138DRAFT_AJZA01000153_1.153 1058 1864 269 pfam14412 tox PFAM
Vibrio tasmaniensis 5F 79 2551621309
A nuclease family of the HNH/ENDO VII superfamily with conserved AHH A164DRAFT_AJZP01000293_1.293 233 1039 269 pfam14412 tox PFAM
Vibrio sp 712i1 2552956122
A nuclease family of the HNH/ENDO VII superfamily with conserved AHH C720DRAFT_ANBX01000019_1.19 234 1040 269 pfam14412 tox PFAM
Vibrio owensii LMG 25430 2569978716
A nuclease family of the HNH/ENDO VII superfamily with conserved AHH NoneDRAFT_BAOE01000125_1.125 522 1328 269 pfam14412 tox PFAM
Dyadobacter soli DSM 25329 2641031417
A nuclease family of the HNH/ENDO VII superfamily with conserved AHH Ga0098818_1001 407286 408092 269 pfam14412 tox PFAM
Vibrio alginolyticus UCD 30C 2652695209
A nuclease family of the HNH/ENDO VII superfamily with conserved AHH Ga0069169_1057 3754 4560 269 pfam14412 tox PFAM
Vibrio parahaemolyticus 901128 2658975043
A nuclease family of the HNH/ENDO VII superfamily with conserved AHH Ga0105998_1050 2663 3469 269 pfam14412 tox PFAM
Vibrio parahaemolyticus S098 2663418043
A nuclease family of the HNH/ENDO VII superfamily with conserved AHH Ga0112363_1126 39952 40758 269 pfam14412 tox PFAM
Vibrio alginolyticus RM 12 1 2664520753
A nuclease family of the HNH/ENDO VII superfamily with conserved AHH Ga0105981_1088 3079 3885 269 pfam14412 tox PFAM
Vibrio parahaemolyticus S139 2666208237
A nuclease family of the HNH/ENDO VII superfamily with conserved AHH Ga0112782_101 24392 25198 269 pfam14412 tox PFAM
Vibrio hyugaensis 100512A 2669105002
A nuclease family of the HNH/ENDO VII superfamily with conserved AHH Ga0109018_1260 1276 2082 269 pfam14412 tox PFAM
Vibrio parahaemolyticus S097 2702736042
A nuclease family of the HNH/ENDO VII superfamily with conserved AHH Ga0112772_1006 532718 533524 269 pfam14412 tox PFAM
Vibrio owensii OCN002 2702761684
A nuclease family of the HNH/ENDO VII superfamily with conserved AHH Ga0112783_1004 44363 45169 269 pfam14412 tox PFAM
Vibrio hyugaensis 151112A 2772953685
HNH/ENDO VII superfamily nuclease Ga0166298_1142 184 990 269 pfam14412 tox PFAM
Vibrio lentus 5F79 643499003
hypothetical protein NC_011744 1076226 1077032 269 pfam14412 tox PFAM
Vibrio splendidus LGP32 2620370822
Transcriptional regulator - AbiEi antitoxin - Type IV TA system Ga0069981_102 318004 318552 183 pfam13338 anti-tox PFAM