Genome ID Scaffold Start End Length No of Genes Total Number of Toxins and Antitoxins Toxin and Antitoxin Proportion Number of Toxins Number of Antitoxins Threshold Poisson Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Score Toxin Island Cluster
2671181079 Ga0111946_117 71732 76105 4373 5 4 0.8 1 3 10k 0.001584447 Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Enterobacterales Yersiniaceae Yersinia Yersinia aldovae 11.70820947 13298
2671181079 Ga0111946_125 13016 17118 4102 9 4 0.444444444 3 1 10k 0.001256151 Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Enterobacterales Yersiniaceae Yersinia Yersinia aldovae 6.934286798 6044