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Organism Gene ID Gene Length (aa) Pfam Start Pfam End Product Name Scaffold All Pfams Tox/Anti-Tox Source Cluster
Thermoflexus hugenholtzii JAD2 Draft Genome 2143740423 374 27 322 Predicted ATPase NODE_11_length_70852_cov_308.715576 pfam13304 tox Uniprot 60315
Thermoflexus hugenholtzii JAD2 Draft Genome 2143740525 339 23 274 hypothetical protein NODE_14_length_99276_cov_267.311218 pfam13304 tox Uniprot 66076
Pseudomonas sp KD5 2230707240 482 191 395 Predicted ATP-dependent endonuclease of the OLD family PseKD5DRAFT_scaffold_2.3 pfam13304 tox Uniprot 35775
Thiomargarita sp Thio36 unscreened 2236867823 347 24 293 ATPase/GTPase - AAA15 family Thi036DRAFT_NODE-unique_5_len_8708.5 pfam13304 tox Uniprot 64615
Thiomargarita sp Thio36 unscreened 2236868676 345 25 280 AAA domain-containing protein - putative AbiEii toxin - Type IV TA system Thi036DRAFT_NODE-unique_158_len_3679.158 pfam13304 tox Uniprot 62193
Thiomargarita sp Thio36 unscreened 2236869326 483 23 419 Uncharacterized conserved protein Thi036DRAFT_NODE-unique_330_len_2887.330 pfam13304 tox Uniprot 35657
Thiomargarita sp Thio36 unscreened 2236869519 456 21 365 Uncharacterized conserved protein Thi036DRAFT_NODE-unique_385_len_2729.385 pfam13304 tox Uniprot 40546
Thiomargarita sp Thio36 unscreened 2236869563 355 34 297 ATPase/GTPase - AAA15 family Thi036DRAFT_NODE-unique_398_len_2690.398 pfam13304 tox Uniprot 62954
Zeta proteobacterium SCGC AB 137 C09 unscreened 2264875795 364 25 314 Predicted ATPase A35ODRAFT_scaffold_0.1 pfam13304 tox Uniprot 62068
Zeta proteobacterium SCGC AB 137 C09 unscreened 2264875957 380 207 355 Predicted ATP-dependent endonuclease of the OLD family A35ODRAFT_scaffold_2.3 pfam13304 tox Uniprot 59206
Zeta proteobacterium SCGC AB 137 C09 unscreened 2264876528 358 160 337 Predicted ATP-dependent endonuclease of the OLD family A35ODRAFT_scaffold_12.13 pfam13304, pfam00005 tox Uniprot 62952
Gallionella sp SCGC AAA018 N21 unscreened 2264885020 362 42 316 hypothetical protein A37IDRAFT_scaffold_1.2 pfam13304 tox Uniprot 62380
Armatimonadetes bacterium JGI 0000077 K19 contamination screened TAbiofilm 001 240 2265017403 389 26 168 Predicted ATPase J0000077K19DRAFT_contig_9_0.10 pfam13304 tox Uniprot 57300
Armatimonadetes bacterium JGI 0000077 K19 contamination screened TAbiofilm 001 240 2265091280 343 185 336 hypothetical protein A471G5DRAFT_contig_6_0.7 pfam13304 tox Uniprot 65315
Aigarchaeota archaeon SCGC AAA471 G05 contamination screened GBS N 001 14 2265092438 343 23 285 hypothetical protein A471J8DRAFT_contig_15_0.16 pfam13304 tox Uniprot 65315
Aigarchaeota archaeon SCGC AAA471 J08 contamination screened GBS N 001 19 2265092446 343 23 284 hypothetical protein A471A16DRAFT_contig_0_0.1 pfam13304 tox Uniprot 65315
Aigarchaeota archaeon SCGC AAA471 A16 contamination screened GBS N 001 1 2265115693 439 23 284 hypothetical protein J0000039M09DRAFT_contig_22_0.23 pfam13304 tox Uniprot 44973
Cloacimonetes bacterium JGI 0000039 M09 contamination screened TAsludge 001 159 2265116420 442 44 361 hypothetical protein J0000059L07DRAFT_contig_0_0.1 pfam13304 tox Uniprot 44207
Cloacimonetes bacterium JGI 0000059 L07 contamination screened TAbiofilm 001 170 2265117227 439 46 379 hypothetical protein J0000059P03DRAFT_contig_3_0.4 pfam13304 tox Uniprot 44973
Cloacimonetes bacterium JGI 0000059 P03 contamination screened TAbiofilm 001 173 2265137740 510 45 361 AAA domain-containing protein - putative AbiEii toxin - Type IV TA system POR4E_contig00217standard pfam13304 tox Uniprot 31881
Candidatus Poribacteria sp WGA 4E unscreened final clean version 2265142630 469 28 276 AAA domain-containing protein - putative AbiEii toxin - Type IV TA system POR3G_contig_0.1 pfam13304 tox Uniprot 37605
Poribacteria bacterium WGA 3G unscreened final clean version 2265145630 434 23 369 AAA domain-containing protein - putative AbiEii toxin - Type IV TA system POR3G_contig_51.52 pfam13304 tox Uniprot 44367
Poribacteria bacterium WGA 3G unscreened final clean version 2501543203 378 25 369 Predicted ATPase fdiDRAF_Fremyella_diplosiphon_20080708 pfam13304 tox Uniprot 59593
Tolypothrix sp PCC 7601 2501545583 363 25 326 Predicted ATPase fdiDRAF_Fremyella_diplosiphon_20080708 pfam13304 tox Uniprot 60909
Tolypothrix sp PCC 7601 2501564733 349 31 311 DNA replication and repair protein RecF Dpe_Contig10279 pfam13304 tox Uniprot 64280

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