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Organism | Gene ID | Gene Length (aa) | Pfam Start | Pfam End | Product Name | Scaffold | All Pfams | Tox/Anti-Tox | Source | Cluster |
Xanthomonas sp 5 | 2501853371 | 261 | 2 | 92 | A nuclease family of the HNH/ENDO VII superfamily with conserved AHH | XANTHO5DRAF_ConsensusfromContig6DeNovoAssembly | pfam14412 | tox | PFAM | 81209 |
Desulfosarcina variabilis Montpellier | 2502439500 | 309 | 155 | 303 | hypothetical protein | Dsar_contig00324 | pfam14412 | tox | PFAM | 72020 |
Vibrio vulnificus VVyb1 BT3 | 2502886447 | 286 | 77 | 202 | A nuclease family of the HNH/ENDO VII superfamily with conserved AHH | VVBT1270_Chromosome | pfam14412 | tox | PFAM | 76683 |
Virgibacillus sp SK37 | 2503217218 | 327 | 216 | 324 | A nuclease family of the HNH/ENDO VII superfamily with conserved AHH | Vigwhole_Virgibacillus_sp__SK37_chromosomal_sequence | pfam14412 | tox | PFAM | 68383 |
Crocosphaera watsonii WH 0003 899 contigs | 2503305833 | 417 | 304 | 413 | RHS repeat-associated core domain-containing protein | CWat_WH0003_DRAFT_contig02544 | pfam14412, pfam05593 | tox | PFAM | 50845 |
Bacillus cereus RCH BC2 Abyss contigs Sep 10 | 2503675104 | 187 | 52 | 157 | A nuclease family of the HNH/ENDO VII superfamily with conserved AHH | bcer1769_4238A_22590_55 | pfam14412 | tox | PFAM | 103655 |
Bacillus simplex II3b11 Draft1 status 17 November 2010 | 2503911815 | 153 | 69 | 152 | A nuclease family of the HNH/ENDO VII superfamily with conserved AHH | BsimplexDRAFT_strain_II3b11 | pfam14412 | tox | PFAM | 120103 |
Oscillatoria nigro viridis PCC 7112 | 2504086359 | 247 | 118 | 232 | A nuclease family of the HNH/ENDO VII superfamily with conserved AHH | Osp7112_Contig213 | pfam14412, pfam07591 | tox | PFAM | 84390 |
Streptomyces cattleya ATCC 35852 S cattleya VELVET and IMAGE assembly | 2504912893 | 1299 | 1171 | 1285 | RHS repeat-associated core domain-containing protein | Scaffold_000024_Contig_000255_Length_12234 | pfam14412, pfam05593 | tox | PFAM | 7540 |
Pseudoalteromonas flavipulchra 2ta6 Draft assembly 1 | 2505175580 | 230 | 21 | 154 | A nuclease family of the HNH/ENDO VII superfamily with conserved AHH | PflaDRAFT__scf1119380702045 | pfam14412 | tox | PFAM | 89166 |
Pseudomonas syringae Pla3988 Psy96 | 2505578165 | 190 | 74 | 189 | RHS repeat-associated core domain-containing protein | Pla3988__Psy96pe_1_paired_trimmed_paired_contig305 | pfam14412 | tox | PFAM | 102437 |
Pseudomonas syringae PavISPaVe013 Psy117 | 2505605299 | 215 | 96 | 204 | A nuclease family of the HNH/ENDO VII superfamily with conserved AHH | PavISPaVe013__scaffold7_1_size567904 | pfam14412 | tox | PFAM | 93884 |
Pseudomonas syringae PmaM6 Psy38 | 2505626024 | 82 | 1 | 76 | A nuclease family of the HNH/ENDO VII superfamily with conserved AHH | PmaM6__Psy38mp_1_paired_contig369 | pfam14412 | tox | PFAM | 205524 |
Muricauda ruestringensis B1 DSM 13258 | 2505695931 | 693 | 576 | 667 | A nuclease family of the HNH/ENDO VII superfamily with conserved AHH | unknown | pfam14412 | tox | PFAM | 19147 |
Bacillus subtilis J23 | 2505844285 | 669 | 503 | 609 | Predicted ribonuclease - toxin component of the YeeF-YezG toxin-antitoxin module | BacJ23_scaffold_0 | pfam04740, pfam14449, pfam14412 | tox | PFAM | 20082 |
Bacillus subtilis J25 | 2505855034 | 669 | 503 | 609 | Predicted ribonuclease - toxin component of the YeeF-YezG toxin-antitoxin module | BacJ25_scaffold_2 | pfam04740, pfam14449, pfam14412 | tox | PFAM | 20082 |
Pseudomonas agarici NCPPB 2289 | 2506020599 | 174 | 55 | 163 | RHS repeat-associated core domain-containing protein | Pagaricii_scf_7506_1178_contig_9 | pfam14412 | tox | PFAM | 109452 |
Porphyromonas gingivalis 381 | 2506404715 | 237 | 122 | 225 | A nuclease family of the HNH/ENDO VII superfamily with conserved AHH | PG381_Pg381 | pfam14412 | tox | PFAM | 87085 |
Anabaena sp PCC 7108 | 2506490497 | 210 | 87 | 190 | A nuclease family of the HNH/ENDO VII superfamily with conserved AHH | Contig317 | pfam14412 | tox | PFAM | 95416 |
Pseudomonas syringae CC1513 CC1513 | 2506905706 | 167 | 37 | 150 | RHS repeat-associated core domain-containing protein | CC1513_scaffold42.42 | pfam14412 | tox | PFAM | 106899 |
Pseudomonas syringae CC1557 CC1557 | 2506929743 | 206 | 76 | 189 | Rhs family protein | CC1557_scaffold73.73 | pfam03527, pfam14412 | tox | PFAM | 96546 |
Clostridium clariflavum EBR 45 DSM 19732 | 2507489736 | 732 | 622 | 722 | intein N-terminal splicing region/RHS repeat-associated core domain-containing protein | Clocl_Contig179.1 | pfam05593, pfam14412, pfam07591 | tox | PFAM | 14831 |
Methylomicrobium album BG8 | 2508548789 | 815 | 715 | 811 | RHS repeat-associated core domain-containing protein | MetalDRAFT_MAF.1 | pfam14412 | tox | PFAM | 14152 |
Bacillus sp J37 | 2508615666 | 336 | 228 | 334 | A nuclease family of the HNH/ENDO VII superfamily with conserved AHH | BacJ37DRAFT_c40 | pfam14412 | tox | PFAM | 66691 |
Pseudomonas syringae pv mori MAFF301020 Mori | 2508789989 | 113 | 24 | 113 | A nuclease family of the HNH/ENDO VII superfamily with conserved AHH | Pmo_contig00031_340.819 | pfam14412 | tox | PFAM | 165171 |
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