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Organism Gene ID Gene Length (aa) Pfam Start Pfam End Product Name Scaffold All Pfams Tox/Anti-Tox Source Cluster
Salmonella enterica enterica sv Typhi P stx 12 2511853762 650 9 103 Antirestriction protein ArdC CP003278 pfam08401, pfam06755, pfam02384 tox PFAM 21017
Pectobacterium sp SCC3193 2527106523 652 11 110 Antirestriction protein ArdC CP003415 pfam08401, pfam06755, pfam02384 tox PFAM 20823
Salmonella enterica enterica sv Montevideo 42N 2531658963 645 9 107 Antirestriction protein ArdC AESX01000070 pfam08401, pfam06755, pfam02384 tox PFAM 21017
Salmonella enterica enterica sv Inverness R8 3668 2535792254 325 9 99 Antirestriction protein ArdC AFCO01002081 pfam08401, pfam06755 tox PFAM 68628
Salmonella enterica enterica sv Newport SH111077 2536102402 657 6 97 Antirestriction protein ArdC AOGJ01000034 pfam08401, pfam06755, pfam02384 tox PFAM 20691
Salmonella enterica enterica sv Montevideo SARB31 2540419719 645 9 107 Antirestriction protein ArdC AESR01000003 pfam08401, pfam06755, pfam02384 tox PFAM 21017
Salmonella enterica enterica sv Typhi Ty21a 2540711208 650 9 103 Antirestriction protein ArdC CP002099 pfam08401, pfam06755, pfam02384 tox PFAM 21017
Photorhabdus temperata temperata M1021 2541490248 657 10 107 Antirestriction protein ArdC AUXQ01000026 pfam08401, pfam06755, pfam02384 tox PFAM 20678
Salmonella enterica salamae 3588 07 2549317556 650 9 103 Antirestriction protein ArdC SASALDRAFT_CAFD01000100_1.100 pfam08401, pfam06755, pfam02384 tox PFAM 21017
Salmonella enterica enterica sv Typhi BL196 2550099169 650 9 103 Antirestriction protein ArdC STBL196DRAFT_AJGK01000042_1.42 pfam08401, pfam06755, pfam02384 tox PFAM 21017
Salmonella enterica enterica sv Typhi UJ308A 2550763763 650 9 103 Antirestriction protein ArdC STUJ308ADRAFT_AJTD01000359_1.359 pfam08401, pfam06755, pfam02384 tox PFAM 21017
Salmonella enterica enterica sv Typhi UJ816A 2550768656 650 9 103 Antirestriction protein ArdC STUJ816ADRAFT_AJTE01000303_1.303 pfam08401, pfam06755, pfam02384 tox PFAM 21017
Salmonella enterica enterica sv Typhi CR0044 2550978227 650 9 103 Antirestriction protein ArdC Y3YDRAFT_AKZO01000101_1.101 pfam08401, pfam06755, pfam02384 tox PFAM 21017
Salmonella enterica enterica sv Typhi ST0208 2550981817 650 9 103 Antirestriction protein ArdC Y3WDRAFT_AJXA01000064_1.64 pfam08401, pfam06755, pfam02384 tox PFAM 21017
Salmonella enterica enterica sv Typhi CR0063 2551543093 650 9 103 Antirestriction protein ArdC STCR63DRAFT_AKIC01000330_1.330 pfam08401, pfam06755, pfam02384 tox PFAM 21017
Pectobacterium atrosepticum CFBP 6276 2554823284 654 11 106 Antirestriction protein ArdC H352DRAFT_ASAB01000008_1.8 pfam08401, pfam06755, pfam02384 tox PFAM 20823
Salmonella enterica enterica sv Muenchen 08 1125 2554838197 645 9 107 Antirestriction protein ArdC L098DRAFT_ARYX01000044_1.44 pfam08401, pfam06755, pfam02384 tox PFAM 21017
Salmonella enterica enterica sv Muenchen 2009K 0951 2554876528 619 1 81 Antirestriction protein ArdC L097DRAFT_ARYW01000024_1.24 pfam08401, pfam06755, pfam02384 tox PFAM 21017
Photorhabdus luminescens BA1 2557151922 657 9 107 Antirestriction protein ArdC BA1DRAFT_contig_11.12 pfam08401, pfam06755, pfam02384 tox PFAM 20678
Photorhabdus temperata J3 Draft 2558033700 651 9 107 Antirestriction protein ArdC AXDT01000265 pfam08401, pfam06755, pfam02384 tox PFAM 20678
Salmonella enterica enterica sv Agona 620239 2559926145 648 9 101 Antirestriction protein ArdC AYCU01000064 pfam08401, pfam06755, pfam02384 tox PFAM 21017
Salmonella enterica diarizonae sv 60 r e n x z15 01 0170 2565084375 654 8 100 Antirestriction protein ArdC APAC01000092 pfam08401, pfam06755, pfam02384 tox PFAM 20691
Salmonella enterica salamae sv 58 l z13 z28 z6 00 0163 2565095112 650 9 103 Antirestriction protein ArdC AOXE01000011 pfam08401, pfam06755, pfam02384 tox PFAM 21017
Photorhabdus asymbiotica australis DSM 17609 2566040936 534 9 102 Antirestriction protein ArdC BO26DRAFT_scaffold00018.18 pfam08401, pfam06755 tox PFAM 30224
Salmonella enterica enterica sv Gaminara ATCC BAA 711 2567034901 650 9 101 Antirestriction protein ArdC AOZF01000076 pfam08401, pfam06755, pfam02384 tox PFAM 21017

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