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Organism Gene ID Gene Length (aa) Pfam Start Pfam End Product Name Scaffold All Pfams Tox/Anti-Tox Source Cluster
Bacillus cereus RCH BC1 Abyss contigs Sep 10 2503661392 141 18 140 Immunity protein 22 bcer1767_2326N_41936_82 pfam14112 anti-tox PFAM 139284
Clostridium ragsdalei P11 2503715083 130 7 128 Immunity protein 22 CragP11_contig00011 pfam14112 anti-tox PFAM 147864
Bacillus subtilis ES73 11072010 Assembly 2503809932 132 7 131 Immunity protein 22 BSes73_1595_139294_42 pfam14112 anti-tox PFAM 146740
Pseudoalteromonas flavipulchra 2ta6 Draft assembly 1 2505179736 133 33 129 Immunity protein 22 PflaDRAFT__scf1119380702038 pfam14112 anti-tox PFAM 146137
Bacillus subtilis J22 2505843114 132 7 131 Immunity protein 22 BacJ22_scaffold_4 pfam14112 anti-tox PFAM 146740
Bacillus subtilis J23 2505847192 132 7 131 Immunity protein 22 BacJ23_scaffold_3 pfam14112 anti-tox PFAM 146740
Bacillus subtilis J24 2505851562 132 7 131 Immunity protein 22 BacJ24_scaffold_4 pfam14112 anti-tox PFAM 146740
Bacillus subtilis J25 2505855443 132 7 131 Immunity protein 22 BacJ25_scaffold_3 pfam14112 anti-tox PFAM 146740
Bacillus subtilis J26 2505863331 132 7 131 Immunity protein 22 BacJ26_scaffold_3 pfam14112 anti-tox PFAM 146740
Bacillus subtilis J27 2505868188 132 7 131 Immunity protein 22 BacJ27_scaffold_7 pfam14112 anti-tox PFAM 146740
Pseudomonas fluorescens NZ011 2506360255 130 7 128 Immunity protein 22 PflNZ011_contig00029 pfam14112 anti-tox PFAM 147867
Pseudomonas syringae CC1524 CC1524 2506914178 139 12 136 Immunity protein 22 CC1524_C9501.714 pfam14112 anti-tox PFAM 141585
Pseudomonas syringae CC1417 CC1417 2506967520 139 12 136 Immunity protein 22 CC1417_scaffold99.99 pfam14112 anti-tox PFAM 141585
Pseudomonas syringae PsyB48 2507108201 130 7 128 Immunity protein 22 PsyB48__Contig_9 pfam14112 anti-tox PFAM 147868
Pseudomonas syringae UB246 UB246 2507269967 139 12 136 Immunity protein 22 UB246_scaffold80.80 pfam14112 anti-tox PFAM 141585
Bacillus sp J37 2508615668 128 5 126 Immunity protein 22 BacJ37DRAFT_c40 pfam14112 anti-tox PFAM 148909
Pseudomonas syringae pv morsprunorum M302280PT Morsprunorum 2508796787 139 12 136 Immunity protein 22 Pmp_scaffold00064_44259.37 pfam14112 anti-tox PFAM 141581
Geobacillus thermoglucosidans YU 2509488061 122 7 121 Immunity protein 22 GT20_GT20contig85.85 pfam14112 anti-tox PFAM 150054
Burkholderia cepacia UCB 717 ATCC 25416 2509517562 126 7 124 Immunity protein 22 BurcepDRAFT_BCM.2 pfam14112 anti-tox PFAM 149893
Pseudomonas sp GM41 2012 2511309338 130 7 128 Immunity protein 22 PMI27_GM41_ACAGTG_L006_R1_006_paired_trimmed_paired_contig_102.102 pfam14112 anti-tox PFAM 147876
Bacillus subtilis spizizenii TU B 10 DSM 15029 2511532012 132 7 131 Immunity protein 22 NC_016047 pfam14112 anti-tox PFAM 146740
Paenibacillus terrae HPL 003 2511575357 128 9 124 Immunity protein 22 NC_016641 pfam14112 anti-tox PFAM 148918
Flavobacterium lindanitolerans CIP 109890 2512410914 127 7 126 Immunity protein 22 UQS_contig01556.1556 pfam14112 anti-tox PFAM 149392
Paenibacillus mucilaginosus 3016 2512735259 131 11 130 Immunity protein 22 NC_016935 pfam14112 anti-tox PFAM 147373
Budvicia aquatica DSM 5075 ATCC 35567 2513778489 133 10 121 Immunity protein 22 YWEDRAFT_scaffold_18.19 pfam14112 anti-tox PFAM 146160

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