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Organism Gene ID Gene Length (aa) Pfam Start Pfam End Product Name Scaffold All Pfams Tox/Anti-Tox Source Cluster
Escherichia coli K 2503568973 97 1 94 Protein of unknown function (DUF2622) EcoliK_seq0001 pfam11080 tox PFAM 176576
Salmonella enterica enterica Rubislaw 2505088360 97 1 94 Protein of unknown function (DUF2622) seerub__contig00157 pfam11080 tox PFAM 176799
Salmonella enterica enterica sv Hvittingfoss A4 620 2505097426 97 1 94 Protein of unknown function (DUF2622) seehvt__contig00077 pfam11080 tox PFAM 176799
Salmonella enterica enterica Johannesburg 2505104995 97 1 94 Protein of unknown function (DUF2622) seejoh__contig00017 pfam11080 tox PFAM 176799
Salmonella enterica enterica MZ0080 2505113150 97 1 94 Protein of unknown function (DUF2622) seemzo__contig00701 pfam11080 tox PFAM 176799
Serratia plymuthica AS9 2506578141 100 1 94 Protein of unknown function (DUF2622) Contig80 pfam11080 tox PFAM 180212
Enterobacter cloacae EcWSU1 2506694650 97 1 94 Protein of unknown function (DUF2622) CP002886 pfam11080 tox PFAM 179324
Escherichia coli W 2506703449 97 1 94 Protein of unknown function (DUF2622) EschW_Contig118 pfam11080 tox PFAM 176576
Escherichia coli W 2506705637 99 2 95 antitoxin GhoS EschW_Contig118 pfam11080 tox PFAM 179209
Enterobacteriaceae bacterium FGI 57 2507516629 95 1 93 Protein of unknown function (DUF2622) CrFGI57_Contig56.1 pfam11080 tox PFAM 178988
Serratia proteamaculans S4 2508852155 100 1 94 Protein of unknown function (DUF2622) SerS4DRAFT_SSJ.2 pfam11080 tox PFAM 180212
Klebsiella oxytoca KCTC 1686 2511718860 95 1 93 Protein of unknown function (DUF2622) NC_016612 pfam11080 tox PFAM 188792
Escherichia coli O55 H7 RM12579 2511740557 97 1 94 Protein of unknown function (DUF2622) CP003109 pfam11080 tox PFAM 176576
Escherichia coli O55 H7 RM12579 2511743251 99 2 95 antitoxin GhoS CP003109 pfam11080 tox PFAM 179209
Pantoea ananatis PA13 2511836997 101 1 94 Protein of unknown function (DUF2622) CP003085 pfam11080 tox PFAM 178776
Salmonella enterica enterica sv Typhi P stx 12 2511850519 97 1 94 Protein of unknown function (DUF2622) CP003278 pfam11080 tox PFAM 176799
Escherichia coli clone D i14 2511871778 97 1 94 Protein of unknown function (DUF2622) CP002212 pfam11080 tox PFAM 176576
Escherichia coli clone D i14 2511874574 99 2 95 antitoxin GhoS CP002212 pfam11080 tox PFAM 179209
Pantoea ananatis LMG 5342 2511904467 101 1 94 Protein of unknown function (DUF2622) HE617160 pfam11080 tox PFAM 178776
Escherichia coli clone D i2 2511966329 97 1 94 Protein of unknown function (DUF2622) CP002211 pfam11080 tox PFAM 176576
Escherichia coli clone D i2 2511969125 99 2 95 antitoxin GhoS CP002211 pfam11080 tox PFAM 179209
Klebsiella pneumoniae pneumoniae HS11286 2511972783 95 1 93 Protein of unknown function (DUF2622) CP003200 pfam11080 tox PFAM 188792
Salmonella enterica enterica sv Gallinarum RKS5078 2512022699 97 1 94 Protein of unknown function (DUF2622) CP003047 pfam11080 tox PFAM 176799
Escherichia coli O7 K1 CE10 2512385974 97 1 94 Protein of unknown function (DUF2622) CP003034 pfam11080 tox PFAM 176576
Escherichia coli O7 K1 CE10 2512388808 99 2 95 antitoxin GhoS CP003034 pfam11080 tox PFAM 179209

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