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IMMUNITY HicB lk antitox

Organism Gene ID Gene Length (aa) Pfam Start Pfam End Product Name Scaffold All Pfams Tox/Anti-Tox Source Cluster
Leptolyngbya sp JSC 1 2022828481 71 5 66 Predicted nuclease of the RNAse H fold - HicB family CYJSC1_DRAF_scaffold00069 pfam15919 anti-tox PFAM 198204
Leptolyngbya sp JSC 1 2022831388 68 3 66 Predicted nuclease of the RNAse H fold - HicB family CYJSC1_DRAF_scaffold00069 pfam15919 anti-tox PFAM 204312
Uncultured Spirochaete Spiro3 Termite single cell 2065485268 75 1 58 Uncharacterized conserved protein Spiro3_FV4C6PM01CEDVB pfam15919 anti-tox PFAM 199600
Thermoflexus hugenholtzii JAD2 Draft Genome 2143741471 70 3 68 Predicted nuclease of the RNAse H fold - HicB family NODE_23_length_32604_cov_250.509689 pfam15919 anti-tox PFAM 202264
Rhizobium sp 57MFTsu3 2 2230702691 147 4 124 Predicted nuclease of the RNAse H fold - HicB family Rhi57DRAFT_scaffold_13.14 pfam15919 anti-tox PFAM 109435
Pseudomonas sp KD5 2230707848 134 3 127 Predicted nuclease of the RNAse H fold - HicB family PseKD5DRAFT_scaffold_3.4 pfam15919 anti-tox PFAM 132478
Pseudomonas sp KD5 2230708381 136 3 128 Predicted nuclease of the RNAse H fold - HicB family PseKD5DRAFT_scaffold_4.5 pfam15919 anti-tox PFAM 141967
Pseudomonas sp KD5 2230710442 135 3 127 Predicted nuclease of the RNAse H fold - HicB family PseKD5DRAFT_scaffold_10.11 pfam15919 anti-tox PFAM 134766
Thiomargarita sp Thio36 unscreened 2236867983 100 38 93 Predicted nuclease of the RNAse H fold - HicB family Thi036DRAFT_NODE-unique_28_len_5994.28 pfam15919 anti-tox PFAM 167281
Thiomargarita sp Thio36 unscreened 2236869211 97 7 96 Predicted nuclease of the RNAse H fold - HicB family Thi036DRAFT_NODE-unique_294_len_3032.294 pfam15919 anti-tox PFAM 169492
Thiomargarita sp Thio36 unscreened 2236872439 138 3 123 Predicted nuclease of the RNAse H fold - HicB family Thi036DRAFT_NODE-unique_1577_len_1225.1577 pfam15919 anti-tox PFAM 141536
Desulfobulbus sp oral taxon 041 Dsb4 Illumina assembly draft1 2264559065 145 4 129 Uncharacterized conserved protein Dsb4Draft_NODE_120_len_6776_cov_11_519481.24 pfam15919 anti-tox PFAM 132445
Euryarchaeota archaeon JGI 0000059 J12 unscreened 2264740260 118 42 106 Predicted nuclease of the RNAse H fold - HicB family A3KADRAFT_NODE-unique_6_len_33003.6 pfam15919 anti-tox PFAM 154041
Euryarchaeota archaeon JGI 0000059 J12 unscreened 2264740266 58 4 56 Predicted nuclease of the RNAse H fold - HicB family A3KADRAFT_NODE-unique_6_len_33003.6 pfam15919 anti-tox PFAM 208536
Euryarchaeota archaeon JGI 0000059 J12 unscreened 2264741206 70 4 68 Predicted nuclease of the RNAse H fold - HicB family A3KADRAFT_NODE-unique_64_len_4638.64 pfam15919 anti-tox PFAM 202958
Euryarchaeota archaeon JGI 0000059 J12 unscreened 2264741262 73 5 71 Predicted nuclease of the RNAse H fold - HicB family A3KADRAFT_NODE-unique_74_len_3684.74 pfam15919 anti-tox PFAM 201323
Chloroflexi bacterium SCGC AAA257 M07 unscreened 2264741978 74 3 71 Predicted nuclease of the RNAse H fold - HicB family A3MKDRAFT_NODE-unique_3_len_83667.3 pfam15919 anti-tox PFAM 200493
Chloroflexi bacterium SCGC AAA257 M07 unscreened 2264742506 65 3 61 Predicted nuclease of the RNAse H fold - HicB family A3MKDRAFT_NODE-unique_12_len_40015.12 pfam15919 anti-tox PFAM 203711
Chloroflexi bacterium SCGC AAA257 G06 unscreened 2264750676 70 4 69 Predicted nuclease of the RNAse H fold - HicB family A3MCDRAFT_NODE-unique_1_len_202703.1 pfam15919 anti-tox PFAM 201005
Chloroflexi bacterium SCGC AAA257 G06 unscreened 2264751352 85 3 77 Predicted nuclease of the RNAse H fold - HicB family A3MCDRAFT_NODE-unique_8_len_58740.8 pfam15919 anti-tox PFAM 184604
Chloroflexi bacterium SCGC AAA257 K06 unscreened 2264754362 74 3 71 Predicted nuclease of the RNAse H fold - HicB family A3MIDRAFT_NODE-unique_103_len_2900.103 pfam15919 anti-tox PFAM 200493
Chloroflexi bacterium SCGC AAA257 K06 unscreened 2264754481 65 3 61 Predicted nuclease of the RNAse H fold - HicB family A3MIDRAFT_NODE-unique_140_len_1775.140 pfam15919 anti-tox PFAM 203711
Planctomycetes bacterium SCGC JGI090 P21 unscreened 2264758789 113 1 98 Uncharacterized conserved protein A3QODRAFT_NODE-unique_143_len_1320.143 pfam15919 anti-tox PFAM 157112
Euryarchaeota archaeon JGI 0000059 I19 unscreened 2264761965 81 13 76 Uncharacterized conserved protein A3K9DRAFT_NODE-unique_35_len_7393.35 pfam15919 anti-tox PFAM 189766
Euryarchaeota archaeon SCGC AAA257 G14 unscreened 2264764589 70 5 68 Predicted nuclease of the RNAse H fold - HicB family A3KCDRAFT_NODE-unique_6_len_26712.6 pfam15919 anti-tox PFAM 203429

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