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Organism | Gene ID | Gene Length (aa) | Pfam Start | Pfam End | Product Name | Scaffold | All Pfams | Tox/Anti-Tox | Source | Cluster |
Treponema sp SAG7 unscreened | 2509793219 | 144 | 1 | 129 | Immunity protein 44 | TreSAG7DRAFT_scaffold_70.71 | pfam15571 | anti-tox | PFAM | 134392 |
Taylorella asinigenitalis MCE3 | 2511725468 | 140 | 1 | 114 | Immunity protein 44 | NC_016043 | pfam15571 | anti-tox | PFAM | 140578 |
Leptospira interrogans sv LAI IPAV | 2511865047 | 140 | 1 | 126 | Immunity protein 44 | CP001221 | pfam15571 | anti-tox | PFAM | 140582 |
Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron NLAE zl C523 Illumina Draft assembly with Velvet | 2513150383 | 123 | 1 | 116 | Immunity protein 44 | C523DRAFT_NODE_363_len_56021_cov_22_060745.267 | pfam15571 | anti-tox | PFAM | 148938 |
Bacillus sp 7 6 55CFAA CT2 | 2514492875 | 143 | 1 | 126 | Immunity protein 44 | NZ_ACWE01000060 | pfam15571 | anti-tox | PFAM | 130760 |
Paraprevotella clara YIT 11840 | 2514717741 | 123 | 1 | 116 | Immunity protein 44 | NZ_AFFY01000023 | pfam15571 | anti-tox | PFAM | 148938 |
Bacteroides ovatus NLAE zl H304 | 2515393674 | 128 | 1 | 116 | Immunity protein 44 | H304DRAFT_NODE_149_len_294936_cov_12_097642.125 | pfam15571 | anti-tox | PFAM | 148938 |
Bacteroides ovatus NLAE zl H361 | 2515399736 | 128 | 1 | 116 | Immunity protein 44 | H361DRAFT_NODE_55_len_294298_cov_24_207996.55 | pfam15571 | anti-tox | PFAM | 148938 |
Taylorella equigenitalis ATCC 35865 | 2517208266 | 140 | 1 | 114 | Immunity protein 44 | CP003264 | pfam15571 | anti-tox | PFAM | 140578 |
Leptospira interrogans sv Bataviae L1111 | 2519631536 | 140 | 1 | 126 | Immunity protein 44 | AHND02000019 | pfam15571 | anti-tox | PFAM | 140582 |
Leptospira interrogans sv Grippotyphosa UI 08368 | 2519642345 | 140 | 1 | 126 | Immunity protein 44 | AHNJ02000043 | pfam15571 | anti-tox | PFAM | 140582 |
Leptospira interrogans sv Pyrogenes 2006006960 | 2519730452 | 140 | 1 | 126 | Immunity protein 44 | AHME02000018 | pfam15571 | anti-tox | PFAM | 140582 |
Leptospira interrogans 2002000623 | 2519736439 | 140 | 1 | 126 | Immunity protein 44 | AHMG02000034 | pfam15571 | anti-tox | PFAM | 140582 |
Leptospira interrogans sv Pomona Kennewicki LC82 25 | 2519742845 | 140 | 1 | 126 | Immunity protein 44 | AHMK02000061 | pfam15571 | anti-tox | PFAM | 140582 |
Leptospira interrogans FPW2026 | 2519743970 | 140 | 1 | 126 | Immunity protein 44 | AHMX02000026 | pfam15571 | anti-tox | PFAM | 140582 |
Leptospira kirschneri sv Valbuzzi 200702274 | 2521047912 | 140 | 1 | 126 | Immunity protein 44 | AHOC02000017 | pfam15571 | anti-tox | PFAM | 140582 |
Leptospira kirschneri H1 | 2521071050 | 70 | 1 | 69 | Immunity protein 44 | AHMY02000017 | pfam15571 | anti-tox | PFAM | 203499 |
Leptospira interrogans UI 12758 | 2521085967 | 140 | 1 | 126 | Immunity protein 44 | AHNR02000073 | pfam15571 | anti-tox | PFAM | 140582 |
Leptospira interrogans UI 12621 | 2521090254 | 140 | 1 | 126 | Immunity protein 44 | AHNQ02000035 | pfam15571 | anti-tox | PFAM | 140582 |
Bacillus thuringiensis MC28 | 2521996152 | 146 | 4 | 129 | Immunity protein 44 | CP003687 | pfam15571 | anti-tox | PFAM | 130760 |
Flavobacterium daejeonense DSM 17708 | 2523953727 | 172 | 24 | 161 | Immunity protein 44 | H599DRAFT_scaffold00011.11 | pfam15571 | anti-tox | PFAM | 88013 |
Parabacteroides gordonii MS 1 | 2524926356 | 128 | 1 | 116 | Immunity protein 44 | F592DRAFT_scaffold00033.33 | pfam15571 | anti-tox | PFAM | 148938 |
Lachnospiraceae bacterium NK4A179 | 2525470756 | 171 | 12 | 140 | Immunity protein 44 | G621DRAFT_scaffold00003.3 | pfam15571 | anti-tox | PFAM | 88991 |
Butyrivibrio sp AE3009 | 2526210285 | 162 | 3 | 125 | Immunity protein 44 | G588DRAFT_scaffold00061.61 | pfam15571 | anti-tox | PFAM | 88991 |
Leptospira santarosai 2000030832 | 2526449884 | 138 | 1 | 126 | Immunity protein 44 | AFJN02000032 | pfam15571 | anti-tox | PFAM | 129519 |
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