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TOX Ntox8

Organism Gene ID Gene Length (aa) Pfam Start Pfam End Product Name Scaffold All Pfams Tox/Anti-Tox Source Cluster
Pseudomonas syringae CC1524 CC1524 2506915542 1032 952 1029 RHS repeat-associated core domain-containing protein CC1524_scaffold134.134 pfam03527, pfam05593, pfam15545 tox PFAM 9938
Pseudomonas syringae CC1417 CC1417 2506963726 1457 1377 1454 RHS repeat-associated core domain-containing protein CC1417_scaffold28.28 pfam05488, pfam03527, pfam05593, pfam15545 tox PFAM 6094
Methylopila sp M107 2516922726 117 33 102 toxin 8 A3OUDRAFT_chromosome1.1 pfam15545 tox PFAM 162713
Burkholderia sp KJ006 2519457612 1521 1441 1518 RHS repeat-associated core domain-containing protein CP003514 pfam03527, pfam05593, pfam15545 tox PFAM 5772
Bacillus cereus VD107 2519660655 83 29 79 toxin 8 AHEX01000056 pfam15545 tox PFAM 204854
Bacillus cereus VDM062 2533202215 149 54 123 toxin 8 AHFS01000025 pfam15545 tox PFAM 122939
Bacillus cereus VDM034 2533252841 149 54 123 toxin 8 AHFQ01000021 pfam15545 tox PFAM 122939
Streptococcus infantis SK959 GTC 849 2536519382 163 60 135 RHS repeat-associated core domain-containing protein AJTA01000038 pfam15545 tox PFAM 114770
Paenibacillus popilliae ATCC 14706 2538039823 68 1 60 toxin 8 BALG01000349 pfam15545 tox PFAM 214189
Anoxybacillus sp SK3 4 2543281728 1507 1431 1500 RHS repeat-associated core domain-containing protein ANOC01000001 pfam05593, pfam15545 tox PFAM 6107
Bacillus cereus F 2547633393 2233 2149 2218 RHS repeat-associated core domain-containing protein MW1DRAFT_AHHI01000109_1.109 pfam15545 tox PFAM 3463
Bacillus subtilis spizizenii DV1 B 1 2549766660 2341 2254 2323 RHS repeat-associated core domain-containing protein GYQDRAFT_AFSG01000020_1.20 pfam05593, pfam15545 tox PFAM 2975
Cronobacter dublinensis lactaridi LMG 23825 2550676580 1319 1226 1295 RHS repeat-associated core domain-containing protein UOODRAFT_AJKX01000094_1.94 pfam03527, pfam05593, pfam15545 tox PFAM 7282
Cupriavidus basilensis B 8 2551916155 281 179 248 RHS repeat-associated core domain-containing protein A909DRAFT_AKXR01000199_1.731 pfam03527, pfam15545 tox PFAM 77623
Pseudomonas sp VLB120 2558544005 523 443 520 RHS repeat-associated core domain-containing protein CP003961 pfam03527, pfam15545 tox PFAM 31381
Prevotella sp BV3P1 2559709191 206 127 196 toxin 8 AWXC01000043 pfam15545 tox Uniprot 96619
Andreprevotia chitinilytica DSM 18519 2566020378 455 373 442 RHS repeat-associated core domain-containing protein BR41DRAFT_scaffold00002.2 pfam15545 tox PFAM 40876
Halomonas sp BJGMM B45 2573187226 225 137 206 RHS repeat-associated core domain-containing protein AVBC01000068 pfam03527, pfam15545 tox PFAM 90778
Brenneria nigrifluens DSM 30175 2574300987 165 72 141 RHS repeat-associated core domain-containing protein BR58DRAFT_scaffold00038.38 pfam15545 tox PFAM 113781
Azoarcus communis DSM 12120 2574433559 195 93 162 RHS repeat-associated core domain-containing protein BR51DRAFT_scaffold00071.71 pfam15545 tox PFAM 100527
Pelistega sp HM 7 2579140012 153 48 116 RHS repeat-associated core domain-containing protein AYSV01000052 pfam15545 tox PFAM 120282
Pseudomonas sp H1h 2580624559 1564 1462 1531 RHS repeat-associated core domain-containing protein U862DRAFT_AYMJ01000033_1.33 pfam03527, pfam05593, pfam15545 tox Uniprot 5730
Pseudomonas sp RIT288 2582250573 1564 1462 1531 RHS repeat-associated core domain-containing protein JFYN01000043 pfam03527, pfam05593, pfam15545 tox Uniprot 5730
Burkholderia sp WP42 2585294067 1521 1441 1518 RHS repeat-associated core domain-containing protein EX20DRAFT_scaffold00017.17 pfam03527, pfam05593, pfam15545 tox PFAM 5772
Modestobacter roseus DSM 45764 2585714255 2613 2535 2598 intein C-terminal splicing region/RHS repeat-associated core domain-containing protein JD78DRAFT_unitig_0_quiver.1 pfam15545, pfam07591 tox PFAM 2083

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