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IMMUNITY PhdYeFM antitox

Organism Gene ID Gene Length (aa) Pfam Start Pfam End Product Name Scaffold All Pfams Tox/Anti-Tox Source Cluster
Leptolyngbya sp JSC 1 2022829214 92 1 82 Antitoxin component of toxin-antitoxin stability system - DNA-binding transcriptional repressor CYJSC1_DRAF_scaffold00069 pfam02604 anti-tox PFAM 174917
Leptolyngbya sp JSC 1 2022830074 97 7 73 prevent-host-death family protein CYJSC1_DRAF_scaffold00069 pfam02604 anti-tox PFAM 169489
Uncultured Spirochaete Spiro10 unscreened Termite single cell 2065486045 99 1 73 prevent-host-death family protein Spiro10_contig00118 pfam02604 anti-tox PFAM 167953
Uncultured Spirochaete Spiro10 unscreened Termite single cell 2065486292 91 11 79 prevent-host-death family protein Spiro10_contig00013 pfam02604 anti-tox PFAM 176140
Actinobacterium Actino7 unscreened July 2010 2067071071 100 1 74 antitoxin YefM ACT7_contig00024 pfam02604 anti-tox PFAM 167278
Actinobacterium Actino7 unscreened July 2010 2067071580 92 8 85 prevent-host-death family protein ACT7_contig00109 pfam02604 anti-tox PFAM 174918
Actinobacterium Actino7 unscreened July 2010 2067071612 148 1 69 prevent-host-death family protein ACT7_contig00010 pfam02604 anti-tox PFAM 126384
Thermoflexus hugenholtzii JAD2 Draft Genome 2143741295 62 1 48 Antitoxin Phd_YefM - type II toxin-antitoxin system NODE_3_length_254270_cov_284.011047 pfam02604 anti-tox PFAM 207463
Thermoflexus hugenholtzii JAD2 Draft Genome 2143742766 90 1 74 prevent-host-death family protein NODE_129_length_170649_cov_290.065430 pfam02604 anti-tox PFAM 177433
Rhizobium sp 57MFTsu3 2 2230702049 85 6 71 prevent-host-death family protein Rhi57DRAFT_scaffold_9.10 pfam02604 anti-tox PFAM 184594
Rhizobium sp 57MFTsu3 2 2230702116 94 5 77 prevent-host-death family protein Rhi57DRAFT_scaffold_9.10 pfam02604 anti-tox PFAM 169863
Rhizobium sp 57MFTsu3 2 2230703869 85 3 70 prevent-host-death family protein Rhi57DRAFT_scaffold_22.23 pfam02604 anti-tox PFAM 178809
Rhizobium sp 57MFTsu3 2 2230704777 85 1 76 prevent-host-death family protein Rhi57DRAFT_scaffold_32.33 pfam02604 anti-tox PFAM 184593
Pseudomonas sp KD5 2230706046 86 4 79 prevent-host-death family protein PseKD5DRAFT_scaffold_0.1 pfam02604 anti-tox PFAM 174017
Pseudomonas sp KD5 2230707798 100 7 72 antitoxin StbD PseKD5DRAFT_scaffold_3.4 pfam02604 anti-tox PFAM 167279
Pseudomonas sp KD5 2230707956 91 5 78 prevent-host-death family protein PseKD5DRAFT_scaffold_3.4 pfam02604 anti-tox PFAM 168979
Pseudomonas sp KD5 2230709453 83 8 79 antitoxin StbD PseKD5DRAFT_scaffold_7.8 pfam02604 anti-tox PFAM 188227
Verrucomicrobia bacterium SCGC AAA164 P11 unscreened 2236294256 81 1 76 prevent-host-death family protein A164P11DRAFT_NODE-unique_3_len_35515.3 pfam02604 anti-tox PFAM 191474
Verrucomicrobia bacterium SCGC AAA164 N20 unscreened 2236338422 91 1 59 Antitoxin of toxin-antitoxin stability system A164N20DRAFT_NODE-unique_6_len_38399.6 pfam02604 anti-tox PFAM 176141
alpha proteobacterium SCGC AAA015 O19 unscreened 2236445279 58 1 54 Antitoxin Phd_YefM - type II toxin-antitoxin system A15O19DRAFT_NODE-unique_45_len_7017.45 pfam02604 anti-tox PFAM 208533
actinobacterium SCGC AAA027 J17 unscreened 2236663115 120 32 90 prevent-host-death family protein A027J17DRAFT_NODE-unique_4_len_63034.4 pfam02604 anti-tox PFAM 152959
actinobacterium SCGC AAA278 I18 unscreened 2236667870 83 1 70 prevent-host-death family protein A278I18DRAFT_NODE-unique_20_len_9681.20 pfam02604 anti-tox PFAM 188231
Verrucomicrobia bacterium SCGC AAA300 K03 unscreened 2236680353 87 7 80 prevent-host-death family protein IBNHDRAFT_NODE-unique_13_len_32047.13 pfam02604 anti-tox PFAM 181453
Candidatus TM7 s8 unscreened Draft1 Illumina Assembly 2236701435 86 6 63 antitoxin Phd TM7x8Draft_NODE-unique_2_len_61320.29 pfam02604 anti-tox PFAM 179544
Thiomargarita sp Thio36 unscreened 2236869627 74 1 70 Antitoxin of toxin-antitoxin stability system Thi036DRAFT_NODE-unique_417_len_2623.417 pfam02604 anti-tox PFAM 200490

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