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Organism | Gene ID | Gene Length (aa) | Pfam Start | Pfam End | Product Name | Scaffold | All Pfams | Tox/Anti-Tox | Source | Cluster |
Psychromonas sp CNPT3 | 2501717174 | 322 | 13 | 309 | Tellurite resistance protein TehA | PCNPT_psychromonas_cnpt3_1 | pfam03595 | tox | Uniprot | 69426 |
Moritella sp PE36 | 2501727873 | 332 | 12 | 309 | Tellurite resistance protein TehA | PE3_Contig_1038 | pfam03595 | tox | Uniprot | 67427 |
Photobacterium profundum 3TCK | 2501731262 | 326 | 13 | 308 | Tellurite resistance protein TehA | P3TC_ctg_1099451005287 | pfam03595 | tox | Uniprot | 67661 |
Vibrio cholerae O1 Inaba G4222 Draft chromosomes | 2502251597 | 323 | 14 | 309 | Tellurite resistance protein TehA | VcG422_LRG | pfam03595 | tox | Uniprot | 67378 |
Vibrio vulnificus VVyb1 BT3 | 2502887369 | 326 | 14 | 309 | Tellurite resistance protein TehA | VVBT1270_Chromosome | pfam03595 | tox | Uniprot | 67378 |
Vibrio vulnificus 06 2450 Draft 2 | 2502904022 | 326 | 14 | 309 | Tellurite resistance protein TehA | VV06245_contig00106 | pfam03595 | tox | Uniprot | 67378 |
Lactobacillus buchneri VBLLa 18 02 | 2504900956 | 328 | 7 | 299 | exfoliative toxin A/B | contig00094 | pfam03595 | tox | Uniprot | 67561 |
Clostridium sp C03 6 | 2505155793 | 314 | 7 | 303 | exfoliative toxin A/B | Clos6DRAFT.__Clos6DRAFT_C106 | pfam03595 | tox | Uniprot | 70450 |
Pseudoalteromonas flavipulchra 2ta6 Draft assembly 1 | 2505176680 | 326 | 14 | 312 | Tellurite resistance protein TehA | PflaDRAFT__scf1119380702069 | pfam03595 | tox | Uniprot | 68596 |
Lactobacillus paracasei tolerans VBLLa 09 21 | 2505244998 | 324 | 7 | 307 | exfoliative toxin A/B | LAC_LBD_DRAFT__contig00101 | pfam03595 | tox | Uniprot | 69026 |
Lactobacillus buchneri VBLLa 18 17 | 2505250298 | 328 | 7 | 300 | exfoliative toxin A/B | LAC_LBB_DRAFT__contig00009 | pfam03595 | tox | Uniprot | 67561 |
Lactobacillus buchneri NRRL B 30929 | 2505384127 | 328 | 7 | 299 | exfoliative toxin A/B | Contig51 | pfam03595 | tox | Uniprot | 67561 |
Marinomonas posidonica IVIA Po 181 | 2506232853 | 323 | 12 | 308 | Tellurite resistance protein TehA | Contig78 | pfam03595 | tox | Uniprot | 69216 |
Vibrio cholerae sv O1 bv El Tor A1552 | 2506336977 | 323 | 14 | 309 | Tellurite resistance protein TehA | VCeta_chr0001 | pfam03595 | tox | Uniprot | 67378 |
Leptotrichia goodfellowii LB 57 DSM 19756 | 2506735060 | 304 | 7 | 296 | exfoliative toxin A/B | Lepgl_LGA | pfam03595 | tox | Uniprot | 73138 |
Shewanella baltica OS625 | 2507444743 | 333 | 15 | 312 | Tellurite resistance protein TehA | Sbal625_Contig118.1 | pfam03595 | tox | Uniprot | 67040 |
Enterococcus faecium Hucker1 NRRL B 2354 Consensus Scaffolds | 2509864338 | 322 | 8 | 305 | exfoliative toxin A/B | M7W_Consensusfromsid_245844_accn_NZ_GL455872.7 | pfam03595 | tox | Uniprot | 68046 |
Staphylococcus aureus SA16 First | 2509887464 | 316 | 5 | 296 | exfoliative toxin A/B | SA16_contig00005.5 | pfam03595 | tox | Uniprot | 69443 |
Enterococcus faecium VRE16 454 data | 2510080143 | 322 | 8 | 305 | exfoliative toxin A/B | VRE16_contig00011.11 | pfam03595 | tox | Uniprot | 68046 |
Enterococcus faecium GS5938 mira assembly v1 | 2510106292 | 322 | 8 | 305 | exfoliative toxin A/B | ESGS5938_5938_c38.134 | pfam03595 | tox | Uniprot | 68046 |
Enterococcus faecium GS5791 mira assembly v1 | 2510108726 | 322 | 8 | 305 | exfoliative toxin A/B | ESGS5791_5791_c159.86 | pfam03595 | tox | Uniprot | 68046 |
Enterococcus faecium GS5811 mira assembly v1 | 2510113995 | 322 | 8 | 305 | exfoliative toxin A/B | ESGS5811_5811_c14.204 | pfam03595 | tox | Uniprot | 68046 |
Lactobacillus casei CRF28 | 2510421389 | 324 | 7 | 305 | exfoliative toxin A/B | LcCRF28DRAFT_scaffold_15.16 | pfam03595 | tox | Uniprot | 69026 |
Lactobacillus casei A2 362 | 2510424578 | 324 | 7 | 305 | exfoliative toxin A/B | LcA2362DRAFT_scaffold_35.36 | pfam03595 | tox | Uniprot | 69026 |
Lactobacillus casei UW1 | 2510428353 | 324 | 7 | 305 | exfoliative toxin A/B | LcUW1DRAFT_scaffold_120.121 | pfam03595 | tox | Uniprot | 69026 |
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