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Organism | Gene ID | Gene Length (aa) | Pfam Start | Pfam End | Product Name | Scaffold | All Pfams | Tox/Anti-Tox | Source | Cluster |
Chloroflexi bacterium SCGC AAA257 K05 unscreened | 2264747704 | 715 | 9 | 199 | uncharacterized protein | A3MGDRAFT_NODE-unique_3_len_42395.3 | pfam09371 | tox | Uniprot | 17297 |
Chloroflexi bacterium SCGC AAA257 K06 unscreened | 2264753065 | 715 | 9 | 199 | uncharacterized protein | A3MIDRAFT_NODE-unique_2_len_44415.2 | pfam09371 | tox | Uniprot | 17297 |
Planctomycetes bacterium SCGC JGI090 P21 unscreened | 2264757680 | 715 | 9 | 199 | uncharacterized protein | A3QODRAFT_NODE-unique_3_len_33948.3 | pfam09371 | tox | Uniprot | 17297 |
Chloroflexi bacterium SCGC AAA257 I08 unscreened | 2264768830 | 722 | 9 | 199 | uncharacterized protein | A3MEDRAFT_NODE-unique_33_len_5851.33 | pfam09371 | tox | Uniprot | 17297 |
Aerophobus bacterium SCGC AAA252 L23 contamination screened SAK 001 70 | 2264945064 | 712 | 9 | 197 | uncharacterized protein | A252L23DRAFT_contig_47_0.49 | pfam09371 | tox | Uniprot | 18166 |
Aminicenantes bacterium SCGC AAA252 K06 contamination screened SAK 001 60 | 2265056972 | 712 | 9 | 200 | uncharacterized protein | A252K6DRAFT_contig_60_0.63 | pfam09371 | tox | Uniprot | 18167 |
Atribacteria bacterium JGI 0000079 F20 contamination screened TAbiofilm 001 232 | 2265079643 | 711 | 8 | 198 | uncharacterized protein | J0000079F20DRAFT_contig_1_0.2 | pfam09371 | tox | Uniprot | 18238 |
Candidatus Latescibacter anaerobius SCGC AAA252 E07 contamination screened SAK 001 42 | 2265113127 | 718 | 11 | 201 | uncharacterized protein | A252E7DRAFT_contig_18_0.19 | pfam09371 | tox | Uniprot | 17658 |
Gracilibacteria bacterium JGI 0000069 K10 contamination screened CrabSpa 001 277 | 2265149117 | 726 | 31 | 219 | uncharacterized protein | J0000069K10DRAFT_contig_51_0.52 | pfam09371 | tox | Uniprot | 17010 |
Lactobacillus reuteri 100 23 | 2500069350 | 726 | 9 | 198 | Transcriptional accessory protein | lactReut10023_Contig1844 | pfam09371 | tox | Uniprot | 16418 |
Tolypothrix sp PCC 7601 | 2501541160 | 721 | 8 | 203 | uncharacterized protein | fdiDRAF_Fremyella_diplosiphon_20080708 | pfam09371 | tox | Uniprot | 15623 |
Dethiosulfovibrio peptidovorans SEBR 4207 DSM 11002 | 2501566034 | 718 | 9 | 199 | uncharacterized protein | Dpe_Contig10279 | pfam09371 | tox | Uniprot | 17659 |
Psychromonas sp CNPT3 | 2501717535 | 724 | 8 | 198 | uncharacterized protein | PCNPT_psychromonas_cnpt3_1 | pfam09371 | tox | Uniprot | 17162 |
Carnobacterium sp AT7 | 2501730557 | 726 | 13 | 204 | uncharacterized protein | CAT_Contig1160 | pfam09371 | tox | Uniprot | 16815 |
Bacillus sp | 2501831862 | 740 | 31 | 222 | uncharacterized protein | ChemG16_Contig_155 | pfam09371 | tox | Uniprot | 16009 |
Desulfonispora thiosulfatigenes GKNTAUT DSM 11270 | 2501938313 | 718 | 7 | 198 | uncharacterized protein | Dest_Contig00024 | pfam09371 | tox | Uniprot | 17661 |
Micromonospora sp L5 | 2501940892 | 749 | 5 | 195 | uncharacterized protein | MicromonoL_contig00094 | pfam09371 | tox | Uniprot | 15453 |
Lactobacillus reuteri MM4 1A Improved draft | 2502290371 | 728 | 11 | 200 | uncharacterized protein | Lreu_Contig105 | pfam09371 | tox | Uniprot | 16418 |
Lactobacillus reuteri MM2 3 Improved draft | 2502292578 | 728 | 11 | 200 | uncharacterized protein | Lreu_contig00019 | pfam09371 | tox | Uniprot | 16418 |
Lactobacillus reuteri CF48 3A Improved draft | 2502298234 | 728 | 11 | 200 | uncharacterized protein | Lreu_contig00210 | pfam09371 | tox | Uniprot | 16418 |
Arcobacter sp 1 | 2502314346 | 703 | 9 | 199 | uncharacterized protein | Arco_Arcobacter1 | pfam09371 | tox | Uniprot | 17874 |
Arcobacter sp 2 | 2502318608 | 704 | 9 | 199 | uncharacterized protein | Arco_Arcobacter2 | pfam09371 | tox | Uniprot | 17874 |
Aminomonas paucivorans GLU 3 DSM 12260 | 2502856537 | 716 | 9 | 202 | uncharacterized protein | Apau_unknown | pfam09371 | tox | Uniprot | 17851 |
Clostridium tetani VI 1 ATCC 454 | 2502997259 | 719 | 8 | 198 | uncharacterized protein | ct454_454contig00044 | pfam09371 | tox | Uniprot | 17080 |
Virgibacillus sp SK37 | 2503216933 | 717 | 7 | 197 | uncharacterized protein | Vigwhole_Virgibacillus_sp__SK37_chromosomal_sequence | pfam09371 | tox | Uniprot | 17029 |
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