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TOX Tox MPTase2

Organism Gene ID Gene Length (aa) Pfam Start Pfam End Product Name Scaffold All Pfams Tox/Anti-Tox Source Cluster
Saprospira grandis Lewin 2512711970 215 54 180 Metallopeptidase toxin 2 NC_016940 pfam15638 tox PFAM 93893
Prevotella micans F0438 2514433160 315 142 288 Metallopeptidase toxin 2 NZ_AGWK01000031 pfam15638 tox PFAM 70868
Prevotella micans DSM 21469 2515868990 252 78 225 Metallopeptidase toxin 2 B089DRAFT_scaffold_45.46 pfam15638 tox PFAM 83222
Riemerella columbina DSM 16469 2517468630 287 70 285 RHS repeat-associated core domain-containing protein C237DRAFT_scaffold_41.42 pfam15638 tox PFAM 76461
Prevotella corporis DSM 18810 2523985524 1030 824 1021 RHS repeat-associated core domain-containing protein H515DRAFT_scaffold00003.3 pfam15638 tox PFAM 9260
Prevotella corporis DSM 18810 2523987561 753 555 744 RHS repeat-associated core domain-containing protein H515DRAFT_scaffold00068.68 pfam05593, pfam15638 tox PFAM 15633
Flavobacterium sp ACAM 123 2551592825 276 81 273 RHS repeat-associated core domain-containing protein A3SGDRAFT_AJXL01000011_1.11 pfam15638 tox PFAM 78594
Candidatus Prevotella conceptionensis 9403948 2551933040 197 70 194 RHS repeat-associated core domain-containing protein BN93DRAFT_CAJK01000326_1.326 pfam15638 tox PFAM 99676
Candidatus Prevotella conceptionensis 9403948 2551933044 255 48 246 RHS repeat-associated core domain-containing protein BN93DRAFT_CAJK01000327_1.327 pfam15638 tox PFAM 82597
Prevotella sp BV3P1 2559709354 755 540 733 RHS repeat-associated core domain-containing protein AWXC01000048 pfam15638 tox PFAM 15576
Chryseobacterium indologenes NBRC 14944 2565568081 1196 958 1159 RHS repeat-associated core domain-containing protein BAVL01000012 pfam15638 tox PFAM 8171
Flavobacterium sp Fl 2585383258 156 8 121 Metallopeptidase toxin 2 GQ47DRAFT_scaffold00004.4 pfam15638 tox PFAM 118526
Prevotella corporis JCM 8529 2587127396 712 506 703 RHS repeat-associated core domain-containing protein JCM8529DRAFT_BAIT01000023_1.23 pfam15638 tox PFAM 18180
Prevotella corporis JCM 8529 2587128587 267 69 258 RHS repeat-associated core domain-containing protein JCM8529DRAFT_BAIT01000132_1.132 pfam15638 tox PFAM 80256
Prevotella fusca JCM 17724 2587140757 572 337 538 RHS repeat-associated core domain-containing protein JCM17724DRAFT_BAKO01000008_1.8 pfam15638 tox PFAM 27299
Prevotella micans JCM 16134 2587152911 315 142 288 Metallopeptidase toxin 2 JCM16134DRAFT_BAKH01000054_1.54 pfam15638 tox PFAM 70868
Prevotella oulorum JCM 14966 2587156437 519 321 510 RHS repeat-associated core domain-containing protein JCM14966DRAFT_BAJQ01000009_1.9 pfam15638 tox PFAM 31863
Prevotella scopos JCM 17725 2587166384 125 1 91 Metallopeptidase toxin 2 JCM17725DRAFT_BAKP01000043_1.43 pfam15638 tox PFAM 156961
Prevotella scopos JCM 17725 2587166685 321 82 281 RHS repeat-associated core domain-containing protein JCM17725DRAFT_BAKP01000058_1.58 pfam15638 tox PFAM 69678
Prevotella disiens VPI 8057 2587214415 107 1 98 Metallopeptidase toxin 2 JCM6334DRAFT_BAIS01000186_1.186 pfam15638 tox PFAM 172306
Prevotella oulorum ATCC 43324 2587827584 629 431 620 RHS repeat-associated core domain-containing protein EI50DRAFT_scaffold00017.17 pfam15638 tox PFAM 22052
Chryseobacterium sp OV279 2588446022 1190 965 1151 RHS repeat-associated core domain-containing protein EW68DRAFT_scaffold00003.3 pfam15638 tox PFAM 8223
Prevotella sp F0091 2600559606 334 136 325 RHS repeat-associated core domain-containing protein Ga0039055_1144 pfam15638 tox PFAM 67110
Prevotella sp F0091 2600560288 321 86 287 RHS repeat-associated core domain-containing protein Ga0039055_1260 pfam15638 tox PFAM 69681
Prevotella buccalis DNF00985 2602382651 483 268 461 RHS repeat-associated core domain-containing protein Ga0060244_1035 pfam15638 tox PFAM 35708

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