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TOX Toxin 10

Organism Gene ID Gene Length (aa) Pfam Start Pfam End Product Name Scaffold All Pfams Tox/Anti-Tox Source Cluster
Bacillus cereus RCH BC2 Abyss contigs Sep 10 2503670593 381 183 380 Insecticidal Crystal Toxin - P42 bcer1769_4222B_69042_160 pfam05431 tox Uniprot 59011
Bacillus cereus BAG2X1 3 2519360889 400 202 398 Insecticidal Crystal Toxin - P42 AHDB01000075 pfam05431 tox Uniprot 54950
Bacillus cereus BAG2X1 1 2519378075 400 202 398 Insecticidal Crystal Toxin - P42 AHCZ01000062 pfam05431 tox Uniprot 54950
Bacillus cereus BAG5O 1 2519539529 391 193 388 Insecticidal Crystal Toxin - P42 AHDI01000042 pfam05431 tox Uniprot 55698
Bacillus cereus BAG4X12 1 2519550227 381 183 380 Insecticidal Crystal Toxin - P42 AHDG01000043 pfam05431 tox Uniprot 59011
Bacillus cereus BAG4X2 1 2519556806 391 193 388 Insecticidal Crystal Toxin - P42 AHDH01000056 pfam05431 tox Uniprot 55698
Bacillus cereus BAG3X2 2 2519562093 381 183 380 Insecticidal Crystal Toxin - P42 AHDE01000043 pfam05431 tox Uniprot 59011
Bacillus cereus VD048 2519678686 385 189 383 Insecticidal Crystal Toxin - P42 AHEU01000045 pfam05431 tox Uniprot 54325
Bacillus cereus VD048 2519679447 361 149 343 Ricin-type beta-trefoil lectin domain-like AHEU01000060 pfam05431, pfam14200 tox Uniprot 62544
Bacillus cereus VD045 2519685756 370 152 349 Ricin-type beta-trefoil lectin domain-like AHET01000064 pfam05431, pfam14200 tox Uniprot 61073
Bacillus cereus MSX A1 2519754372 211 92 208 Insecticidal Crystal Toxin - P42 AHEO01000071 pfam05431 tox PFAM 95152
Bacillus cereus HuB2 9 2520988148 391 193 388 Insecticidal Crystal Toxin - P42 AHED01000055 pfam05431 tox Uniprot 55698
Bacillus cereus BAG1O 2 2521156779 391 193 388 Insecticidal Crystal Toxin - P42 AHCO01000050 pfam05431 tox Uniprot 55698
Bacillus thuringiensis MC28 2522001474 370 151 349 Ricin-type beta-trefoil lectin domain-like CP003693 pfam05431, pfam14200 tox Uniprot 61073
Paenibacillus assamensis DSM 18201 2524153938 375 177 372 Insecticidal Crystal Toxin - P42 H580DRAFT_scaffold00017.17 pfam05431 tox Uniprot 60148
Spirochaeta cellobiosiphila DSM 17781 2526231038 428 211 409 Insecticidal Crystal Toxin - P42 K345DRAFT_scaffold00003.3 pfam05431 tox PFAM 47883
Bacillus cereus VD214 2533219946 391 193 388 Insecticidal Crystal Toxin - P42 AHFN01000024 pfam05431 tox Uniprot 55698
Bacillus cereus VDM022 2533237159 393 195 390 Insecticidal Crystal Toxin - P42 AHFP01000086 pfam05431 tox Uniprot 55698
Bacillus cereus VDM019 2533243356 393 195 390 Insecticidal Crystal Toxin - P42 AHFO01000055 pfam05431 tox Uniprot 55698
Bacillus cereus VDM034 2533255768 385 189 383 Insecticidal Crystal Toxin - P42 AHFQ01000061 pfam05431 tox Uniprot 54325
Bacillus cereus HuB4 10 2534031740 391 193 388 Insecticidal Crystal Toxin - P42 AHEE01000044 pfam05431 tox Uniprot 56708
Bacillus cereus HuB4 4 2534038665 517 308 508 Insecticidal Crystal Toxin - P42 AHEF01000107 pfam05431 tox Uniprot 32051
Bacillus cereus HuA2 9 2534055679 360 148 343 Ricin-type beta-trefoil lectin domain-like AHDY01000034 pfam05431, pfam14200 tox Uniprot 62716
Bacillus cereus BAG5X12 1 2535445851 381 183 380 Insecticidal Crystal Toxin - P42 AHDK01000035 pfam05431 tox Uniprot 59011
Bacillus cereus VD148 2538888592 392 196 390 Insecticidal Crystal Toxin - P42 AHFF01000037 pfam05431 tox Uniprot 56708

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