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IMMUNITY YdaS antitoxin

Organism Gene ID Gene Length (aa) Pfam Start Pfam End Product Name Scaffold All Pfams Tox/Anti-Tox Source Cluster
Vibrio cholerae O1 Inaba G4222 Draft chromosomes 2502249924 84 8 72 Putative antitoxin of toxin-antitoxin system - YdaS/YdaT VcG422_LRG pfam15943 anti-tox PFAM 186432
Chromatiales bacterium 2502335825 92 4 71 Putative antitoxin of toxin-antitoxin system - YdaS/YdaT PHBDraf_Contig56 pfam15943 anti-tox PFAM 174942
Solemya velum gill symbiont WH Draft Solemya velum gill symbiont genome 2502356631 84 8 71 Putative antitoxin of toxin-antitoxin system - YdaS/YdaT SveDRAF_Contig10580 pfam15943 anti-tox PFAM 186432
Marinomonas sp GOBB3 320 2504624394 67 1 64 Putative antitoxin of toxin-antitoxin system - YdaS/YdaT M320_pool_M320_pool_c18 pfam15943 anti-tox PFAM 202696
Pseudomonas fluorescens HK44 Draft 1 2504719846 70 2 67 Putative antitoxin of toxin-antitoxin system - YdaS/YdaT Pfl_HK44_scaffold00009f pfam15943 anti-tox PFAM 201991
Acinetobacter baumannii A 2504728473 83 5 70 DNA-binding transcriptional regulator YdaS - prophage-encoded - Cro superfamily AbauA_contig00113 pfam15943 anti-tox PFAM 188274
Acinetobacter baumannii HC64 2504833381 83 5 70 DNA-binding transcriptional regulator YdaS - prophage-encoded - Cro superfamily contig00084 pfam15943 anti-tox PFAM 188274
Salmonella enterica enterica Johannesburg 2505106086 78 2 68 Putative antitoxin of toxin-antitoxin system - YdaS/YdaT seejoh__contig00205 pfam15943 anti-tox PFAM 191748
Pseudoalteromonas flavipulchra 2ta6 Draft assembly 1 2505177679 84 8 72 Putative antitoxin of toxin-antitoxin system - YdaS/YdaT PflaDRAFT__scf1119380702087 pfam15943 anti-tox PFAM 186432
Pseudoalteromonas sp Tw 2 Draft assembly 1 2505181201 82 1 67 Putative antitoxin of toxin-antitoxin system - YdaS/YdaT TW2DRAFT__contig00024 pfam15943 anti-tox PFAM 189850
Pseudomonas syringae Pta6606 Psy83 2505566715 70 2 68 Putative antitoxin of toxin-antitoxin system - YdaS/YdaT Pta6606__scaffold2_1_size1219321 pfam15943 anti-tox PFAM 203446
Pseudomonas syringae Pla3988 Psy96 2505575762 76 12 69 DNA-binding transcriptional regulator YdaS - prophage-encoded - Cro superfamily Pla3988__Psy96pe_1_paired_trimmed_paired_contig35 pfam15943 anti-tox PFAM 192321
Candidatus Schmidhempelia bombi Bimp 2505925646 81 1 67 DNA-binding transcriptional regulator YdaS - prophage-encoded - Cro superfamily GBi_ctg820001289449 pfam15943 anti-tox PFAM 191566
Pseudomonas agarici NCPPB 2289 2506018959 83 6 71 DNA-binding transcriptional regulator YdaS - prophage-encoded - Cro superfamily Pagaricii_scf_7506_40_contig_5 pfam15943 anti-tox PFAM 185414
Marinomonas mediterranea MMB 1 ATCC 700492 2506228681 71 1 64 Putative antitoxin of toxin-antitoxin system - YdaS/YdaT Contig398 pfam15943 anti-tox PFAM 202696
Marinomonas posidonica IVIA Po 181 2506232758 69 1 65 Putative antitoxin of toxin-antitoxin system - YdaS/YdaT Contig78 pfam15943 anti-tox PFAM 204109
Stenotrophomonas maltophilia PML168 2506522665 88 7 68 Putative antitoxin of toxin-antitoxin system - YdaS/YdaT NODE_470_len_135125_cov_49_736393 pfam15943 anti-tox PFAM 180111
Pseudomonas syringae CC1466 CC1466 2506900020 72 3 63 DNA-binding transcriptional regulator YdaS - prophage-encoded - Cro superfamily CC1466_C7319.717 pfam15943 anti-tox PFAM 197936
Pseudomonas syringae UB303 UB303 2507274150 76 8 69 DNA-binding transcriptional regulator YdaS - prophage-encoded - Cro superfamily UB303_scaffold29.29 pfam15943 anti-tox PFAM 192321
Candidatus Regiella insecticola R5 15 2507287541 90 3 69 DNA-binding transcriptional regulator YdaS - prophage-encoded - Cro superfamily Rin_2504560359.508 pfam15943 anti-tox PFAM 177493
Enterobacteriaceae bacterium FGI 57 2507517207 76 3 65 Putative antitoxin of toxin-antitoxin system - YdaS/YdaT CrFGI57_Contig56.1 pfam15943 anti-tox PFAM 196372
Burkholderia sp Ch1 1 2508678995 113 16 79 DNA-binding transcriptional regulator YdaS - prophage-encoded - Cro superfamily BCh11DRAFT_BCE.1 pfam15943 anti-tox PFAM 157142
Pseudomonas syringae pv actinidiae M302091 Actinidiae 2508759621 76 11 69 DNA-binding transcriptional regulator YdaS - prophage-encoded - Cro superfamily Pan_scaffold00031_125356.7 pfam15943 anti-tox PFAM 192321
Pseudomonas syringae pv mori MAFF301020 Mori 2508785513 70 2 68 Putative antitoxin of toxin-antitoxin system - YdaS/YdaT Pmo_scaffold00057_382602.3 pfam15943 anti-tox PFAM 203446
Pseudomonas syringae pv lachrymans M302278PT Lac106 2508810965 76 12 69 DNA-binding transcriptional regulator YdaS - prophage-encoded - Cro superfamily Lac106_scaffold00013_15939.57 pfam15943 anti-tox PFAM 192321

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